
Showing posts from September, 2008


Kita hidup dari alam sekitar... kita juga rusak alam sekitar? kapankah mereka membalas? tinggal tunggu waktu...

hari hari awal di Ohio University

Hari ini adalah hari ke 6 ku meninggalkan Indonesia, dan hari ke 4 menjalani aktivitas di Athens, Ohio. Alhamdulillah semua masih berjalan dengan baik, lancar dan tidak ada hambatan yang berarti. Kesan saat ini yang ada dalam pikiranku tentang orang-orang di OU ( Ohio University ) sebagian besar adalah orang yang ramah, pekerja keras dalam pelajaran / kuliah dan hobi berpesta di weekend.. mungkin itulah salah satu alasan bahwa weekend adalah hari yang harus dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk menyenangkan diri. Sedikit cerita menarik, kami harus benar-benar bisa menyesuaikan diri di sini. Di sini kemampuan adaptasi kita dicoba, mulai dari hal yang kecil seperti say hello, mengucapkan thank you, sorry, excuse me, how are you, dll, hingga tentang bagaimana menyiasati agar bisa melaksanakan sholat dengan "sedikit" lebih nyaman karena kita tidak akan menemui tempat sholat (musholla) kecil di setiap fakultas. Dan termasuk hal yang luar biasa bahwa Athens, memiliki Islamic Center di O

My First Class at OPIE

Yesterday, I got my first class started.. That's Excited!!, even I got many homework at my first day. Actually the class was started at about two weeks ago, so I must running to follow the subject well. I hope I made it.. I attended at AE 50 Class, with another student from other country, there was cina, korea, qatar, saudi arabia, atc. It's fun.. the teacher also nice! they help me so much to following the last subject and also help me for my missing subject. ...

The long Trip to Ohio

Juanda International Airport Breaking our Fasting at Soekarno Hatta International Airport I'm going to Bangkok.. ??!! GOD! That's dark outside there and also it's High!! welcome to Thailand After Inspection in Thailand... (Indonesian Usually got extra inspection.., do you know why?)

Welcome to Ohio University

Thanks God.. this is nice trip. There were no big problem on my trip, except some of my group ( IELSP batch IV @ Ohio University) Miss the flight because we got long secondary inspection in Chicago Airport. At about 9 PM (local time) we are arrived here. We were pick up by Lindsay, Alexis, Gee (I don't know how to write his name :) ), and once more that I forgot his name (sorry...). We take a ride by Vans for about 90 minute, and then we were arrived at Gordy Hall, Athens, Ohio. about 10:30 PM (I don't know exactly) then we have a short meeting with Gerry and some Indonesian student here. Take a DINNER!! (that was Great ! and amazing!! we were all so Excited!!) and then, we were gone to dorm to take sleep! nice first night at Athens.


Hum... hari ini aku udah ngambil keputusan.. setelah sekian lama mengambang dan berbagai upaya telah dilakukan, keputusannya adalah, aku ngambil Cuti semester kuliahku mundur +- 1 tahun dari target semula.. ya.. untuk melaksanakan hal-hal yang besar, seringkali kita harus mengorbankan hal yang besar pula.. USA, I'm comming.. Ohio University, I'll be there... amien.. semoga 2 bulan disana, bisa ku manfaatkan sebaik baiknya.. menghitung hari nih..