
Showing posts from November, 2008

Jember as an exciting Regency with the Jember Fashion Carnival

Note: Try to find mistakes in this essay. Just for practice our English.             Indonesia, a tropical country, have many exciting places to visit. This country has thousands islands separated widely from west to east and located between two oceans and two continents. The archipelagos are consisted about 17.000 islands, and the most known island in Indonesia that has the most population is Java Island. There are six provinces in Java Island, which are Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Middle Java, Jogjakarta, and East Java. All of those provinces has own characteristics, natural scenery, and many place or event that interesting to visit. One of the best places that provide diverse activity on culture, event and natural area is Jember Regency that located in East Java province.             East Java province attracts people to come and see the diversity of cult...