Beasiswa Master di Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea Selatan (Computational Medicine Lab.)
Informasi ini saya peroleh dari personal message dari kawan yang saat ini sedang belajar di Lab tersebut. Beasiswa ini untuk periode belajar di mulai spring semester 2014. Berikut Informasinya. Computational Medicine Laboratory at Kumoh National Institute of Technology ( ), Korea cordially invites applications for graduate positions. (Master’s degree) Students who want to explore exciting opportunities to conduct original research in a nationally funded Korean university are encouraged to apply. 1. Professor / Host department Ki Moo Lim / Biomedical Engineering 2. Research area - Bio Simulation (Physiome) - Cardiac electrophysiology 3. Student Requirements - Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Medicine, or other related field - Computer programming skills (C/Fortran) are optionally recommended. 4. Student Benefits - Graduate school expenses - Living expense (KRW 450,000 per month) - Participation in dom...