
Showing posts from March, 2014

Scholarship at School of Materials Science & Engineering Yeungnam University - Korea

We are excited to announce you for vacant position in our laboratory, Plasticity Control and Mechanical Modelling Lab., a research group of materials processing which is the prime research interests concentrate on metal.  Benefit Full Scholarship, Monthly Stipend& International Conference Requirements for applicants: Bachelor degree holder from an accredited college or university with relevant discipline, GPA minimum 3.0/4.0 Good proficiency in English (TOEFL IBT  61, TOEFL CBT  173, TOEFL PBT  500, TOEIC  650, IELTS  5.5) High interest in the field of research involved Here are the hiring time table schedules: March 21-April 13, 2014 --> The period of CV submission  (Submit your resume as the first stage of application) April 16, 2014 -->  Notification of screening process ( We will inform all the applicants about their status at the first screening stage) April 16-April 23, 2014 -->  The period...

Beasiswa Bidang Computer Engineering di Kwangwoon University, Korea Selatan

Kali ini saya meneruskan informasi dari rekan Perpika yang sedang sekolah di Kwangwoon University. Informasi berikut adalah mengenai peluang melanjutkan studi ke Master dan atau Phd degree di Computer Engineering, Kwangwoon University. Pendaftaran bisa langsung ke Email prof di masing-masing Lab yang tercantum di Informasi dibawah ini,waktu pendaftaran bisa dilakukan saat ini (maret 2014)  untuk musim panas 2014. Oppo r tunities for Gradua t e S tudies with Financial Suppo r t at K w angwoon Uni v e rsit y , Seoul, Sou t h K o rea We are seeking highly-motivated prospective graduate students who are interested in pursuing Master and/or Ph.D degrees at Kwangwoon University, South Korea with full scholarship or research assistantship under the following terms. Research areas: Mobile communication and network, Computer architecture  and  real- time processing, Image and video processing Qualification: 4-year bachelor’s degree in IT-re...