Beasiswa MS-Ph.D bidang Internet computing and software developments - Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, SeoulTech Korea
Informasi beasiswa kali ini datang dari rekan saya di Perpika bernama Muhammad Eka Wijaya mengenai peluang untuk melanjutkan studi di Lab yang saat ini dia belajar disana. Beasiswa ini mengcover biaya pendidikan (SPP), biaya tinggal (living cost), tidak termasuk biaya aplikasi dan tiket pesawat.
Bagi yang berminat bisa langsung kontak email yang ada di bawah.
Berikut pengumuman lengkapnya
M.S. (PhD) Scholarship Opportunity
Looking for highly self-motivated full-time M.S. (or PhD) students (In this year, 2 ~ 3 students will be accepted, depending on the situation) to conduct engineering research and development in the area of internet computing and software developements at the Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) in South Korea.Position and Support Description
- The chosen M.S. candidates will be enrolled in a 2-year M.S. program starting from September 2014. (for PhD, the study period will be 3 to 5 years)
- The position is fully funded including a tuition waiver and a competitive monthly salary.
(including domintory fee, Tution, and reasonable living-cost, but not including application fee and flight fee)
Lab Introduction
- Founded in 2004 and now 4 MS students graduated, currently 1 Korean and 1 international graduate students working for their degrees.
- the Department has more than 18 international students (Indonesian, Vietnam, Pilippines, India, and so on) and provide more than 3 Englsih courses per semester and many more from other Department.
- Our lab uses English for teaching and discussing research.
- One of two main projects will be assinged to the students
1) Medical IT systems development (Mobile App, Server, Data Mining, Possibly Wearable Devices) for Behavior Addiction (Game, Internet, Smartphone, and Gambling) Study
2) SOAP based Casnio IT Protocol Engine and Application Software (G2S, SAS protocol: further detailed can be obtained when you contact)
- Indepenent research on internet computing and software development are welcommed.
Required Qualifications
Requirement skill
- Bachelor (Master) Degree of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, or related (e.g. Bio-IT for the Project #1)
- Proficient programming skills at least in any one, C, C++, Java, Python, C#.
- Reasonable writing and communication skills in English
optional (Mark your first speciality when you send e-mail)
- Google Android programming
- Basic Linux System/Network Programming Skill
- Any Kind Web Application Experience (Node.JS, J2EE, PHP, Perl, SQL)
- Microprocessor Application Experience
- Understanding Data-mining
Application Procedure
An interested applicant should select a subgroup based on his or her research plan and email the following to the corresponding contact point by April 30, 2013.
1. Detailed CV in English
2. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution
3. Certificate of TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC score if available
Contact Information of Subgroups
Prof. Heejune Ahn heejune[at]
Further Information
- SeoulTech webpage:
- lab website :
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