Full Scholarship: Ph.D position in COHMAS Lab. at KAUST

Saya memperoleh Informasi ini dari milis Beasiswa. 

PhD position in COHMAS Lab at KAUST (www.kaust.edu.sa).

Topik penelitian yang menjadi fokus lab tersebut adalah 
1. local identification of material parameters using full-field measurement (Digital Image Correlation)
2. Objective failure simulations through adaptive local/non-local coupling (fracture mechanics)

Informasi lebih lanjut bisa langsung klik website berikut
http://www.imechani ca.org/node/ 14967
http://cohmas. kaust.edu. sa/Pages/ Home.aspx

Beasiswa yang disediakan mencakup:
1. 2500 USD monthly stipend
2. Free Housing
3. Free Health Insurance
4. Free Airplane ticket for annual leave to home country.
5. Free tuition fee.

Tawaran yang sangat menarik, karena pastinya ditunjang fasilitas baru yang canggih dan besar beasiswa yang sangat besar untuk standar mahasiswa Doktor. 

Berikut beberapa detail yang saya ambil dari web Lab tersebut.

Qualifications The successful candidate must hold a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics or Computer Science.

A strong background in theoretical mechanics (continuum mechanics, up scaling techniques, mechanical behavior of engineering materials), applied maths and computing is expected Only students with excellent grades and demonstrated English language proficiency need apply. The candidate must have a minimum of A- average and must have passed the TOEFL examination.

Other duties The PhD student will be an important link between our team and our industrial partners involved in this project. The candidate will also be required to deliver regular reports related to the associated grant.

Appointment The candidate will be expected to start by Spring 2014. However, applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled. 

Application RequirementsOnly applications providing all application requirements will be considered further. Applicant requirements are as below. They should be numbered and attached to the application in that order: 

1- Detailed CV including with potential start date. Names and contact information of three referees.

2- Short statement of previous work, title of the PhD fellowship you apply for,  and a description of your research vision on that field (no more than one A4 page).

3- Three professional references.

4- Slides from a recent presentation in a conference or seminar.

5- Full transcripts from undergraduate and graduate studies.Interested applicants should send their complete application packets to: Dr. Gilles Lubineau (gilles.lubineau@kaust.edu.sa)

Terima kasih kepada Ditho A. Pulungan yang memberikan info di milis.


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